the Thoreau Log.
21 September 1851. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  It is remarkably dry weather. The neighbors’ wells are failing. The watering-places for cattle in pastures, though they have been freshly scooped out, are dry. People have to go far for water to drink, and then drink it warm. The river is so low that rocks which are rarely seen show their black heads in mid-channel. I saw one which a year or two ago upset a boat and drowned a girl. You see the nests of the bream on the dry shore . . . I see some cows on the new Wheeler’s Meadow, which a man is trying to drive to certain green parts of the meadow next to the river to feed, the hill being dried up, but they seem disinclined and not to like the coarse grass there, though it is green. And now one cow is steering for the edge of the hill, where is some greenness.
(Journal, 3:6-11)

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