the Thoreau Log.
21 November 1854. Philadelphia, Penn.

Thoreau lectures on “The Wild” at the Spring Garden Institute.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Looked from the cupola of the State-House, where the Declaration of Independence was declared . . . Was admitted into the building of the Academy of Natural Sciences by a Mr. Durand of the botanical department. Mr. [William Henry] Furness applying to him . . . In the narrow market-houses in the middle of the streets, was struck by the neat-looking women marketers with full cheeks . . .
(Journal, 7:73-75)

Philadelphia, Penn. The Philadelphia Public Ledger and Daily Transcript advertises:

Spring Garden Institute Lectures—The Second Lecture will be delivered on Tuesday Evening, 21st instant, at 7 1/2 o’clock, at the Institute Building, Broad and Spring Garden Sts., by Henry D. Thoreau, Esq. of Concord, Mass. Subject “The Wild.”

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