the Thoreau Log.
21 May 1843.

Concord, Mass. Ralph Waldo Emerson writes to Thoreau:

My dear Friend,

  Our Dial is already printing & you must, if you call, send me something good by the 10th of June certainly, if not before. If William E can send by a private opportunity, you shall address it to Care of Miss Peabody 13 West Street, or, to be left at Concord Stage office. Otherwise send by Harnden, W. E. paying to Boston & charging to me. Let the pacquet bring letters also from you & from Waldo & Tappan, I entreat. You will not doubt that you are well remembered here, by young, older, & old people and your letter to your mother was borrowed & read with great interest, pending the arrival of direct accounts & of later experiences especially in the city. I am sure that you arc under sacred protection, if I should not hear from you for years. Yet I shall wish to know what befals you on your way.

  Ellery Channing is well settled in his house & works very steadily thus far & our intercourse is very agreeable to me. Young Ball has been to see me & is a prodigious reader & a youth of great promise,—born too in the good town. Mr Hawthorne is well; and Mr Alcott & Mr. L. are resolving a purchase in Harvard of 90 acres. Yours affectionately,

R. W. Emerson

My wife will reopen my sealed letter, but a remembrance from her shall be inserted.

“Thoreau had a variety of items in the April 1843 Dial. Giles Waldo, like William Tappan, was—as Thoreau explained in a letter of May 22 to his sister Sophia—a young friend of Emerson.”

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 102)

Boston, Mass. William Ellery Channing writes to Margaret Fuller:

  No sooner does oakum-brained Thoreau whisk to Staten Island, but Emerson picks up a new nest-egg for making a genius, one [Benjamin West] Ball,—a native of Concord, whom neither Emerson nor pick-character Thoreau have ever seen, of a lately completed Dartmouth College education, & now a Ball of twenty years rolling.
(Studies in the American Renaissance 1989, 192)

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