the Thoreau Log.
21 June 1854. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  We have had thick fog, and rain fell through it this morning.

  P.M.—To Walden, etc.

  Mitchella in Deep Cut woods, probably a day or two. Its scent is agreeable and refreshing, between the mayflower and rum cherry barb, or like peachstone meats . . . The effect of the pond on its shore while standing at a great height is remarkable. Though considerably lower than it was, it appears much higher in some places, where it has worn away a barrier between itself and a meadow and so made the water deeper there.

  Rambled up the grassy hollows in the sprout-lands north (?) of Goose Pond . . .

(Journal, 6:372-375)

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