the Thoreau Log.
20 September 1853. Maine.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  About Hinckley’s camp I saw Fringilla hyemalis; also a bird a little smaller, maybe, brownish and yellowish, with some white tail-feathers, which I think makes the tull-lull sound, hopping on the wood-pile. Is not this the myrtle-bird? Their note interested me because I formerly had many a chase in a spring morning in the direction of this sound, in vain, to identify the bird. The lumberers said it came round the camps, and they gave it a vulgar name. Also, about the carry, a chubbv sparrow with dark-brown or black stripes on the head. Saw a large and new woodpecker, probably the red-headed, making a noise like the pigeon woodpecker . . .
(Journal, 5:426-427)

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