the Thoreau Log.
20 November 1853. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  7.30 A.M.—To Hubbard’s meadow, cranberrying.

  Still quite warm as yesterday. I wear no greatcoat. There has been no freezing in the night. I hear a single hylodes in the wood by the water, while I am raking the cranberries. This warmth has aroused him. While raking, I disturbed two bullfrogs, one quite small. These, too, the warm weather has perhaps aroused. They appear rather stupid. Also I see one painted tortoise, but with no bright markings. Do they fade? . . .

  Minott said he heard geese going south at daybreak the 17th, before he came out of the house . . .

(Journal, 5:510-513)

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