the Thoreau Log.
20 November 1848. Boston, Mass.

Nathaniel Hawthorne writes to Thoreau:

My dear Thoreau,

  I did not sooner write you, because there were pre-engagements for the two or three first lectures, so that I could not arrange matters to have you come during the present month. But, as it happens, the expected lectures have failed us; and we now depend on you to come this very next Wednesday. I shall announce you in the paper of tomorrow, so you must come. I regret that I could not give you longer notice.

  We shall expect you on Wednesday, at No 14 Mall, Street.

Yours truly,
Nath Hawthorne.

If it is utterly impossible for you come, pray write me a line so that I may get it Wednesday morning. But, by all means, come.

This Secretaryship is an intolerable bore. I have travelled thirty miles, this wet day for no other business.

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 233)

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