the Thoreau Log.
20 March 1837. Cambridge, Mass.

Thoreau finishes his second term of his senior year. He earns 650 points to give him a cumulative total of 12,112 and ranking him twenty-third in his class of forty-four students. He also starts his final term at Harvard with the following classes:

  • Intellectual Philosophy taught by Francis Bowen; reading A treatise on political economy by Jean Baptiste Say and Commentaries on the constitution of the United States by Joseph Story
  • Natural History taught by Thaddeus William Harris; reading The philosophy of natural history by William Smellie
  • English with bi-weekly themes and monthly forensics taught by Edward T. Channing
  • German taught by Hermann Bokum
  • Spanish taught by Francis Sales
  • Lectures on German and Northern Literature with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Lectures on Mineralogy with John White Webster
  • Lectures on Anatomy with John C. Warren
  • Lectures on Natural History (Zoology and Botany) with Thaddeus William Harris
(Thoreau’s Harvard Years, part 1:18)

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