the Thoreau Log.
20 June 1861. Lower Sioux Agency, Minn.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Lay by last night at Fort Ridgely. Start about 4 A.M. get to Lower Sioux Agency about 9 A.M. . . .

  Indian strikes fire, takes a little punk (Illinois [man] says from white maple) & holds it flat against a flint, then strikes across their edges with a steel ring & puts the ignited punk on or in the pipe . . .

Pushes out pith of a green young ash for pipe.

  Lie by, ½ way between Redwood & Fort. Illinois [man] says female whippoorwill make the note.

  Indians, 30 dance, 12 musicians on drums & others strike arrows against bows. The dancers blow some flutes. Keep good time. Move feet & shoulders, one or both. No shirts. 5 bands there. Ox cut in 5 parts.

(Thoreau’s Minnesota Journey, 21-22)

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