the Thoreau Log.
20 June 1856. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  A.M.—To Baker Farm with Ricketson [Daniel Ricketson].

  A very hot day.

  Two Sternothærus odoratus by heap in Sanborn’s garden, one making a hole for its eggs, the rear of its shell partly covered. See a great many of these out to-day on ground . . .

  Walking under an apple tree in the little Baker Farm peach orchard, heard an incessant shrill musical twitter or peeping, as from young birds, over my head, and, looking up, saw a hole in an upright dead bough, some fifteen feet from ground. Climbed up and, finding that the shrill twitter came from it, guessed it to be the nest of a downy woodpecker, which proved to be the case . . .

(Journal, 8:382-384)

Concord, Mass. Daniel Ricketson writes in his journal:

  6 P.M. Just returned from a sail on the river with Thoreau, having been all day. Bathed twice, visited the Baker farm and the Conantum farmhouse. Just going out to tea with the Thoreaus to Mrs. Brook’s, an abolitionist.
(Daniel Ricketson and His Friends, 286)

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