the Thoreau Log.
20 January 1843. Philadelphia, Penn.

Ralph Waldo Emerson writes to his wife Lidian:

  You tell me or Elizabeth [Elizabeth Hoar] does of a letter from Henry—I have received none, & shall look for it every day. All that you say of him, I heartily hear. Henry Hedge rejoices in his Prometheus, and believes the Dial a valuable book, however it fare as a journal. At Baltimore I saw Mr Morrison, [Horace Morison] Henry’s classmate who sent his respects to him. He seems to be thriving there as the President & Professors in his single person of the “University of Maryland.” By the look of his pupils & lecture room, I should call it a school. Do not fail to tell me every particular concerning Henry’s lecture when that comes—and the brightest star of the winter shed its clear beams on that night!
(The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 3:129)

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