the Thoreau Log.
2 November 1855. London, England.

John Chapman writes to Thoreau:

H. D. Thoreau Esqr,

  Dear Sir

  The parcel of books advised by me on the 26th of October, as having been sent by the “Asia” Steamer, from Liverpool, has been shut out of that vessell on account of her cargo being complete several days previous to her sailing. Under these circumstances I have therefore ordered the parcel to be shipped by the “Canada” of the 10th proximo, and trust that you will not experience any inconvenience from this unavoidable delay—

  I am, dear Sir,

  Yours very truly

  John Chapman
  A D Ferguson

  I have written to Messrs Crosby Nichols & Co, Boston, respecting your package—

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 396-397; MS, Henry David Thoreau papers (Series IV). Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature, New York Public Library)

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