the Thoreau Log.
2 November 1853. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  What is Nature unless there is an eventful human life passing within her? Many joys and many sorrows are the lights and shadows in which she shows most beautiful.

  P.M.—To Walden and Flint’s . . .

  C. [William Ellery Channing] says he saw succory yesterday, and a loon on the pond the 30th ult . . .

  I gather some fine large pignuts by the wall (near the beech trees) on Baker’s land . . .

(Journal, 5:472-475)

Thoreau writes in his journal on 15 November:

  I was the other night elected a curator of our Lyceum, but was obliged to decline, because I did not know where to find good lecturers enough to make a course for the winter . . .
(Journal, 5:505-508)

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