the Thoreau Log.
2 March 1856. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Has snowed three or four inches—very damp snow—in the night; stops about 9 A.M. . . .

  P.M.—Walking up the river by Pritchard’s, was surprised to see, on the snow over the river, a great many seeds and scales of birches, though the snow has so recently fallen, there had been but little wind, and it was already spring… The opening in the river at Merrick’s is now increased to ten feet in width in some places . . .

(Journal, 8:198-199)

New Bedford, Mass. Daniel Ricketson writes to Thoreau (Concord Saunterer 19, no. 1 (July 1987):26-7).

Washington, D.C. Horace Greeley writes to Thoreau (Studies in the American Renaissance 1982, 368; MS, private owner).

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