the Thoreau Log.
2 June 1854. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  P.M.—Up Assabet to Castilleja and Annursnack.

  While waiting for Mother and Sophia I look now from the yad to the waving and slightly glaucous-tinged June meadows . . .

  I find sanicle just out on the Island . . . We went near to the stone bridge and crossed direct via the house-leek, of which I brought home a bunch . . . Took tea at Mrs. Barrett’s.

  When we returned to our boat at 7 P.M., I notice first, to my surprise, that the river was all alive with leaping fish . . .

  Caraway naturalized, and out apparently two or three days, in C. Barrett’s front yard.

(Journal, 6:323-325)

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