the Thoreau Log.
2 July 1858. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  A.M.—Start out for White Mountains in a private carriage with Edward Hoar . . .

  Spent the noon close by the old Dunstable graveyard, by a small stream north of it . . .

  Walked to and along the river and bathed in it . . .

  I returned through the grass up the winding channel of our little brook to the camp again . . .

  Put up at a tavern in Merrimack, some miles after passing over a pretty high, flat-topped hill in road, whence we saw the mountains (with a steep descent to the interval on right). 7 P. M.—I walked by a path through the wood northeast to the Merrimack . . .

(Journal, 11:3-5)

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