the Thoreau Log.
2 July 1856.

Concord, Mass. Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Return to Concord.

  Looked at the birds in the Natural History Rooms in Boston. Observed no white spots on the sparrow hawk’s wing, or on the pigeon or sharp-shinned hawk’s. Indeed they were so closed that I could not have seen them. Am uncertain to which my wing belongs . . .

(Journal, 8:398)

New Bedford, Mass. Daniel Ricketson writes in his journal:

  Thermometer at about 50, 5 A.M. My friend H. D. Thoreau left in the early train this morning for his home at Concord, Mass. Took him to the Tarkiln Hill station. Channing, [William Ellery Channing] who spent the night with us, left about 9 to walk to town. During the visit of my friend Thoreau we have visited the Middleborough Ponds twice, the Island Naushon, Sconticut Neck, etc. His visit has been a very pleasant one to myself and family. He is the best educated man I know, and I value his friendship very much. His health is quite poor at present, and I fear he will hardly reach old age, which from his unconcern in regard to it the more strengthens my fears for his loss.
(Daniel Ricketson and His Friends, 295-296)

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