the Thoreau Log.
2 January 1856. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Probably the coldest morning yet, our thermometer 6º below zero at 8 A. M.; yet there was quite a mist in the air. The neighbors say it was 10º below zero at 7 A.M.

  P.M. As for the fox and rabbit race described yesterday, I find that the rabbit was going the other way, and possibly the fox was a rabbit, for, tracing back the rabbit, I found drat, it bad first been walking with alternate steps, fox-like.

  There were many white rabbits’ tracks in those woods, and many more of the gray rabbit, but the former broke through and made a deep track, except where there was a little crust on the south slope . . .

(Journal, 8:79-81)

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