the Thoreau Log.
2 April 1853. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  5.30 A. M.—Down railroad . . .

  Found twenty or thirty of the little brown nuts of the skunk-cabbage deposited on a shelf of the turf under an apple tree by E. [Ebenezer] Hubbard’s close, as I have done before . . .

  P. M. to Second Division Brook . . . Was that Rana fontinalis or pipiens in the pool by E. Wood’s railroad crossing? The first large frog I have seen. C. [William Ellery Channing] says a wasp lit on him. A wood tortoise by river above Derby’s Bridge . . . Heard the hooting owl in Ministerial Swamp . . . Cheney’s elm blossomed to-day . . . Observed the first female willow just coming out, apparently Salix eriocephala, just beyond woods by Abel Hosmer’s field by railroad.

(Journal, 5:83-86)

Concord, Mass. William Ellery Channing writes in his journal:

  Bost. & 2 Div. Brook. Wood tortoise Fox-colord Sparrow, owl? (William Ellery Channing notebooks and journals. Houghton Library, Harvard University).

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