the Thoreau Log.
19 October 1858. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  The thermometer says 74º at 1 P.M. . . .

  P.M.—Ride to Sam Barrett’s mill . . .

  Hosmer says that the rill between him and Simon Brown generally runs all night and in the fore part of the day, but then dries up, or stops, and runs again at night, or it will run all day in cloudy weather . . .

  Standing on Hunt’s Bridge at 5 o’clock, the sun just ready to set, I notice that its light on my note-book is quite rosy or purple, though the sun itself and its halo are merely yellow, and there is no purple in the western sky . . .

  Walked along the dam and the broad bank of the canal with Hosmer . . .

(Journal, 11:224-228)

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