the Thoreau Log.
19 October 1853. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau surveys a woodlot for Beck Stow (A Catalog of Thoreau’s Surveys in the Concord Free Public Library, 11).

Thoreau also writes in his journal:

  Paddled E. Hoar [Elizabeth Hoar] and Mrs. King up the North Branch . . .

   . . . At Beck Stow’s, surveying, thinking to step upon a leafy shore from a rail, I got into water more than a foot deep and had to wring my stockings out; but this is anticipating.

(Journal, 5:440-441)

Thoreau writes in his journal on 20 October:

  While I was wringing my wet stockings (vide last page), sitting by the side of Beck Stow’s, I heard a rush of wings, looked up, and saw three dusky ducks swiftly circling over the small water . . .
(Journal, 5:441-442)

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