the Thoreau Log.
19 November 1859.

Concord, Mass. A. Bronson Alcott writes in his journal:

  Ricketson [Daniel Ricketson] from New Bedford arrives. He and Thoreau take supper with us. Thoreau talks truly and enthusiastically about Brown, denouncing the Union, President, the States, and Virginia particularly. Wishes to publish his late speech, and has been to Boston publishers, but failed to find any to print it for him.
(The Journals of Bronson Alcott, 322)

Daniel Ricketson writes in his journal:

  Left home for Concord at 10½ A.M., arrived at Concord at 5½ P.M., leaving cars at Concord depot, walked down to the village bookstore (Mr. Stacey’s) where I found Mr. Alcott, by whose invitation I was going to visit him; also saw Thoreau at the post-office. Received with much kindness by Mrs. Alcott and her two daughters, Louisa and Abby. Spent the evening with Mr. A. in his library, where he has a wood fire on the hearth.
(Daniel Ricketson and His Friends, 312)

Cincinnati, Ohio. Moncure Conway writes to Thoreau:

My dear Mr. Thoreau,

  I trust that you also, with Emerson, [Ralph Waldo Emerson] will be moved by old and high memories to help us in starting out here a new incarnation of the old Dial. It certainly will prove worthy to be so called if we can obtain help from R. W. E. yourself and others. We will not be able at once to pay contributors, and the Editor expects to lose; but in due time we shall reap if we faint not. Will you not give the babe a birth-present? One of those fresh wood-zephyrs that fan our fevered hearts and bring health to blasé cheeks! You are the man, the only man, who can make green grass and flowers grow upon the pages of our Dial.

  What is my chief wish of you? It is to have you interested in us: willing to send us a love-gift of thought: noting, now and then on paper, the form and [?] of some pearls, which I know you are constantly finding in that Oriental Sea of yours upstairs. So now Mr. Pearl-Diver, I await your word of cheer! May I say that I shall be assisted by H. D. Thoreau of Concord? Pray let me hear at once.

Your friend,
M. D. Conway.

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 564-565)

Thoreau replies 23 November.

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