the Thoreau Log.
19 June 1856. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Looked at a collection of the rarer plants made by Higginson and placed at the Natural History Rooms . . . On way to Concord see mountain laurel out in Lancaster . . . (Journal, 8:382).

Daniel Ricketson writes in his journal:

  Walked after breakfast with Mr. Thoreau, Senr., by appointment to the cemetery and over the ridge to see Mr. Hosmer, an intelligent farmer. Purchased the life of Mary Ware, and a framed portrait of Charles Sumner, the former for Mrs. Thoreau, and the latter for her daughter, Sophia.

  H. D. Thoreau and his sister S. arrived home this noon from a visit to Worcester. Passed a part of the afternoon on the river with H. D. T. in his little boat,—discussed [William Ellery] Channing part of the time. Took tea and spent the evening at Mr. T’s. (Item) H. D. T. says buy “Margaret.”

(Daniel Ricketson and His Friends, 285-286)

Ricketson gives Thoreau’s mother a copy of Memoir of Mary L. Ware by Edward B. Hall with the inscription, “To Henry D. Thoreau’s mother, with the kind regards of the their friend, Danl. Ricketson, Concord, June, 19th 1856” (Joel Myerson Collection of Nineteenth-century American Literature, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.).

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