the Thoreau Log.
18 September 1852. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  I think it must be the, Cornus sericea which I have called the stolonifera. Vide that red stern on the Bear Hill road. The poor student begins now to seek the sun. In the forenoons I move into a chamber on the east side of the house, and so follow the sun round. It is agreeable to stand in a new relation to the sun. They begin to have a fire occasionally below-stairs.

  3.30 P.M.—A-barberrying to Flint’s Pond . . .

  Sophia has come from Bangor and brought the Dalibarda repens, white dalibarda, a little crenate-roundedheart-shaped-leafed flower of damp woods . . .

(Journal, 4:354-356)

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