the Thoreau Log.
18 July 1854. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  5 A.M.—Up Turnpike . . .

  P.M.—To Sam Barrett’s by boat, and old Wheeler house . . . (Journal, 6:401-405).

Boston, Mass. James T. Fields writes to Nicholas Trübner, in London, England:

By mail pr steamer of the 19th from this port we send a copy of a new and very original book called “Walden”, or Life in the Woods by Thoreau, It is sent to you to dispose of to some London publisher for the most you can obtain . . . You can show it to . . . [Richard Bentley] first if you please. It belongs to the same class of works with Mr. [Ralph Waldo] Emerson’s writings & will be likely to attract attention. We shall publish it here about one month from date. You will please be particular about this matter as Walden is no common book & is sure to succeed . . .

  P.S. July 21, 1854. Send 2d copy pr Mail from N.Y. of 22d.

(The Cost Books of Ticknor & Fields and their predecessors, 1832-1858, 290)

Log Index

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