the Thoreau Log.
17 September 1845. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes to James Munroe & Co. on behalf of the Concord Women’s Anti-Slavery Society:

Dear Sir,

  The Ladies have concluded to pay you your dues, and take the remaining addresses* at once. Your bill has been mislaid and they may be mistaken in the amount. I noticed what seemed to me one error in the false correction (in the bill) of what was apparently the original & correct charge,—adding your 4 cents per copy to the 52 which Mr Emerson took. These of course were no more than the author usually takes, and properly speaking, were not left on sale. If they are not mistaken whole amount  = 16.96
False charge  =  2.08
14.88 Will you adjust this, and forward the remaining copies by express.Yrs respecly
Henry D Thoreau
agent for the Society

P.S. They are willing you should keep 25 copies on the original terms.

(The Correspondence (Princeton, 2013), 1:275)


*Ralph Waldo Emerson’s The Emancipation of the Negroes in the British West Indies. The address, which was delivered to the Concord Women’s Anti-Slavery Society, was published 9 September 1844.

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