the Thoreau Log.
17 October 1856. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Noticed some of the fungus called spunk, very large, on the large white oak in Love Lane, eight or nine feet from the ground on the cast side, on a protuberance where a limb was formerly cut off . . .

  As I stood looking at Emerson’s bound under the railroad embankment, I heard a smart tche-day-dayday close to my car, and, looking up, saw four of these birds, which had come to scrape acquaintance Nvith me, hopping amid the alders within three and four feet of me. I had heard them further off at first, and they had followed me along the hedge. They day-day‘d and lisped their faint notes alternately . . .

(Journal, 9:117-119)

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