the Thoreau Log.
17 April 1855. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  5 A.M.—Up Assabet.

  Very little frost; a clear morning. The oars still cold to the hand at this hour. Did I not hear an F. juncorum at a distance? ? Saw some crow blackbirds inspecting that old nest of theirs. I believe I see a tree sparrow still, but I do not remember an F. hyemalis for two days. Geese went over at noon, when warm and sunny.

  P.M.—To Lee’s Cliff.

  I leave off my greatcoat, though the wind rises rather fresh before I return. It is worth the while to walk so free and light, having got off both boots and greatcoat. Great flocks of grackles and red-wings about the Swamp Bridge Brook willows, perching restlessly on an apple tree all at once . . .

(Journal, 7:317-320)

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