the Thoreau Log.
16 August 1861. New Bedford, Mass.

Daniel Ricketson writes to Thoreau in reply to his letter of 15 August:

Dear Thoreau,

  I have just received and read yours of yesterday, and in reply would say, that myself and family will be very glad to have a visit from you as you propose, next week—As you have fixed upon no particular time, I will be at the Head of the River depot for you by the Monday afternoon train from Boston which arrives about 6 o’clock The p.m. train from Boston for N. Bedford leaves at 4 ½ p.m.

  I am glad to inform you that my health & spirits are better than they have been for some years & I can I trust infuse a little new physical life into you at which I am pretty good. I have just raised my wife from a frustrating illness, by an intelligent faith. What you want is to live easy, just like an intelligent Indian who is a little poorly—giving nature a fair chance—your body is well enough (normally) but the brain works too hard, the engine above is a little too heavy for the craft below — so slack up & let off the steam & float awhile along shore just using the helm occasionally as occasion requires.

  I am sorry to hear of Mr Alcott’s lameness & hope he will soon recover. My son Arthur is a surgeon in the U.S. Navy on board ship Nightingale, & expects to sail from Brooklyn Navy Yard to-morrow. My wife who is you know constitutionally delicate had the bronchitis a few years ago & is now entirely well of it—her lungs which were weak and attended with cough much improved—her trouble now indigestion and palpitation of heart but getting better slowly of these. I am her doctor. I feel that your treatment should be directed to the brain principally & the remedy rest or agreeable occupation without excitement.

  I was hardly wise I fear in writing about my late experiences which I find were considerably aroused by domestic afflictions yet not without some good results I hope.

Yours truly
D. Ricketson

(Concord Saunterer, vol. 18, no. 2 (December 1985):15-16)

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