the Thoreau Log.
15 November 1854. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  The first snow, a mere sugaring . . . (Journal, 7:71).

Thoreau also writes to A. Bronson Alcott:

Mr. Alcott,

  I wish to introduce to you Thomas Cholmondeley, an English man, of whom and his work in New Zealand I have already told you. He proposes to spend a part of the winter in Boston, pursuing his literary studies, at the same time that he is observing our institutions.

  He is an English country gentleman of simple habits and truly liberal mind, who may one day take a part in the government of his country.

  I think that you will find you[r] account in comparing notes with him.

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 350)

Thoreau also writes to Thaddeus W. Harris:

Dear Sir,

  Will you allow me to introduce to you the bearer—Thomas Cholmondeley, who has been spending some months with us in Concord. He is an English country gentleman, and the author of a political work on New Zealand called “Ultimo Thule” He wishes to look round the Library.

  If you can give him a few moments of your time, you will confer a favor on both him & me.

  I have taken much pains, but in vain, to find another of those locusts for you—I have some of the grubs from the nuphar buds in spirits.

Yrs. truly

Henry D. Thoreau

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 350-351)

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