the Thoreau Log.
15 November 1850. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  I saw to-day a very perfect lichen on a rock in a meadow. It formed a perfect circle about fifteen inches in diameter though the rock was uneven, and was handsomely shaded by a darker stripe of older leaves, an inch or more wide, just within its circumference, like a rich lamp-mat.
(Journal, 2:95-96)

Thoreau also replies to Franklin Forbes’ letter of 14 November:

Dear Sir,

  I shall be happy to lecture before your Institution this winter, but it will be most convenient for me to do so on the 11th of December. If, however, I am confined to the month of January I will choose the first day of it . Will you please inform me as soon as convenient whether I can come any earlier.

  Yrs respectfully

  Henry D. Thoreau

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 268)

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