the Thoreau Log.
15 July 1857. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Tephrosia is generally considerably past its prime. Vaccinium vacillans berries. Scare up a snipe (?) by riverside, which goes off with a dry crack, and afterward two woodcocks in the shady alder marsh at Well Meadow, which ao off with a whistling flight. Rhus glabra under Cliffs, not yet.

  When I entered the woods there, I was at once pursued by a swarm of those wood flies which gyrate around your head and strike your hat like rain-drops. As usual, they kept up with me as I walked, and gyrated about me still, as if I were stationary, advancing at the same time and receiving reinforcements from time to time. Though I switched them smartly for half a mile with some indigo-weed, they did not mind it in the least . . .

(Journal, 9:481-482)

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