the Thoreau Log.
15 January 1843. Concord, Mass.

Lidian Jackson Emerson writes to her husband Ralph Waldo:

  Henry is about as well as when you were here—and a great comfort to Edith [Edith Emerson] with whom he dances and for whom he plays the flute. Richard Fuller sent him a music box [see entry 16 January] as a N. Year’s gift and it was delightful to see Henrys child like joy. I never saw any one made so happy by a new possession. He said nothing could have been so acceptable. After we had heard its performance he said he must hasten to exhibit it to his sisters [Helen Thoreau / Sophia Thoreau] & mother. [Cynthia Dunbar Thoreau] My heart really warmed with sympathy, and admiration at his whole demeanour on the occasion—and I like human nature better than I did. Richard’s note was very good, I thought. It ended with saying that in presenting the box he was but an interested capitalist—and should look for its harmonies to re-appear in the poet’s senses.—News for you!!—quite fresh. Here is Mother [Ruth Haskins Emerson] just come in from church—where she affirms she saw Henry in your uppermost seat, not without “astonishment.” It must be that he is converted to the right doctrine. I had a conversation with him a few days since on his heresies—but had no expectation of so speedy a result.
(The Selected Letters of Lidian Jackson Emerson, 118)

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