the Thoreau Log.
15 December 1854. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Up Riverside via Hubbard Bath, P.M.

  I see again a large flock of what I called buntings on the loth, also another flock surely not buntings, perhaps Fringilla linaria. May they not all be these ? . . . (Journal, 7:83).

Concord, Mass. Ralph Waldo Emerson writes to George Partridge Bradford:

  Tell Mr Chapman I was glad to see Mr Cholmondeley [Thomas Cholmondeley] & we are doing the best we can for him He has lived in Concord & now lives in Boston & threatens to carry Henry Thoreau to England.
(The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 4:479)

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