the Thoreau Log.
14 January 1853. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Snows all day.

  P.M.—To Walden and Andromeda Ponds.

  The place of the sun appears through the storm about three o’clock, a sign that it is near its end, though it still snows as hard as ever. An intenser, whiter light is reflected from the west side of drifts and hills, like another day, in comparison with which the level snow is dark. There is this recognition of fair weather. The west side of abrupt drifts toward the lit clouds reflects quite a glow of light, many shades brighter than the levels. It is a very light snow, lying like down or feathery scales. Examined closely, the flakes are beautifully regular six-rayed stars or wheels with a centre disk, perfect geometrical figures in thin scales . . .

(Journal, 4:463-466)

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