the Thoreau Log.
14 April 1856. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  A raw, overcast morning.

  8 A.M.—Up Assabet.

  See one striped squirrel chasing another round and round the Island, with a faint squeak from time to time and a rustling of the dry leaves. They run quite near to the water.

  Hear the flicker’s cackle on the old aspen, and his tapping sounds afar over the water. Their tapping resounds thus far, with this peculiar ring and distinctness . . .

  P.M.—Sail to Hill by Bedford line.

  Wind southwest and pretty strong; sky overcast; weather cool. Start up a fish hawk from near the swamp white oaks southwest of the Island . . .

(Journal, 8:281-284)

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