the Thoreau Log.
13 September 1853. Boston, Mass. to Maine.

Thoreau leaves Boston for Bangor on his second trip to Maine, where he meets his cousin George Thatcher who has already hired an Indian guide, Joe Aitteon, for a trip to Chesuncook Lake. In “Chesuncook,” Thoreau writes:

  At five P.M., September 13, 1853, I left Boston, in the steamer, for Bangor, by the outside course. It was a warm and still night,—warmer, probably, on the water than on the land,—and the sea was as smooth as a small lake in summer, merely rippled. The passengers went singing on the deck, as in a parlor, till ten o’clock. We passed a vessel on her beam-ends on a rock just outside the islands . . .
(The Maine Woods, 112-213)

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