the Thoreau Log.
13 February 1862. Concord, Mass.

William Ellery Channing writes to Mary Russell Watson:

  Mr Thoreau has mended a little; I think he will soon get up from bronchial complaint tho’ I don’t think he will get out before March. He has been in the house, since Dec. 5th . . .

  I am not anxious about Mr Thoreau. He has greatly decreased if it was possible in flesh; I do not think he weighs to-day but a very little and a few days since, his pulse was at 56. But his system suffers a retardation, it ceases to make blood, hence adipose tissue which is formed of the elements of blood ceases to be found and the lack of respiratory oxygenation combined with the lack of supplying sufficient stimuli to the blood-corpuscles, produces a semi state of metastatic dyscrasia.

(Emerson Society Quarterly 14 (1st quarter 1959):79)

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