the Thoreau Log.
12 May 1843. New York, N.Y.

Henry James Sr. writes to Thoreau:

My dear Sir—

  I feel indebted to Mr Emerson for the introduction he has given me to you. I hope you will call at my house when you next come to the city and give me some of the good tidings wherewith you are fraught from Concord. I am in at all hours & shall be glad to see you at any. I am liable I believe to be called to Albany any day between now and next Thursday—though when I go I shall stay but a day. Remember when you come over I am at 21 Wash. Place, a little street running from the Washington Square to Broadway, flanked on one corner by the University, and on the opposite by a church. You can easily find it. Meanwhile I remain

Yours truly
H. James

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 101)

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