the Thoreau Log.
12 February 1852. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Living all winter with an open door for light and no visible wood-pile, the forms of old and
young permanently contracted through long shrinking from cold, and their faces pinched by want. I have seen an old crone sitting bareheaded on the hillside, then in the middle of January, while it was raining and the ground was slowly thawing under her, knitting there. Their undeveloped limbs and faculties, buds that cannot expand on account of the severity of the season. There is no greater squalidness in any part of the world! Contrast the physical condition of the Irish with that of the North American Indian, or the South Sea Islander, or any other savage race before they were degraded by contact with the civilized man.
(Journal, 3:295-296)

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