the Thoreau Log.
11 November 1853. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  7 A.M.—To Hubbard’s Bathing-Place.

  A fine, calm, frosty morning, a resonant and clear air except a slight white vapor which escaped being frozen or perchance is the steam of the melting frost. Bracing cold, and exhilarating sunlight on russet and frosty fields. I wear mittens now. Apples are frozen on the trees and rattle like stones in my pocket . . .

  9 A.M.—to Fair Haven Pond by boat.

  The morning is so calm and pleasant, winter-like, that I must spend the forenoon abroad. The river is smooth as polished silver. . . Sail back . . .

(Journal, 5:494-496)

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