the Thoreau Log.
11 June 1860. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  6 A.M.—River twelve inches above summer level at 10.30 A.M. Sail to Tall’s Island . . .

  With a north-west wind, it is difficult to sail from the willow-row to Hubbard’s Bath, yet I can sail more westerly from the island point to Fair Haven Bay to the bath-place above: and though I could not do the first to-day, I did sail all the way from Rice’s Bar to half a mile above Sherman’s Bridge by all the windings of the river . . .

  On our way up, we ate our dinner at Rice’s shore . . .

  A painted turtle laying, at 5 P.M. . . .

  At 9 P. M., 54º, and no toads nor peepers heard.

(Journal, 13:343-348)

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