the Thoreau Log.
11 July 1851. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Friday. At 7.15 P.M. with W. E. C. [William Ellery Channing] go forth to see the moon, the glimpses of the moon . . . We go toward Bear Garden Hill . . . So we went through the aspens at the base of the Cliffs, their round leaves reflecting the lingering twilight on the one side, the waxing moonlight on the other . . . Passing now near Well Meadow Head toward Baker’s orchard . . . I hear the sound of Heywood’s Brook falling into Fair Haven Pond, inexpressibly refreshing to my senses . . . And now, at half-past 10 o’clock, I hear the cockerels crow in Hubbard’s barns, and morning is already anticipated.
(Journal, 2:297-302)

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