the Thoreau Log.
10 November 1860. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Cheney gives me a little history of the Inches Woods . . .

  Collier tells me that his sunflower-head (now dried) measures just twenty-one and a half inches [in] diameter,—the solid part . . .

  Elijah Wood, senior, tells me that about 1814 (or before 1815, in which year he was married, and while he still lived at his father’s on Carlisle road), as he was riding to town on horseback in the evening alone to singing to prepare for Thanksgiving, he stopped to let his horse drink at the brook beyond Winn’s, when he heard a cry from some wild beast just across the river. It affected him so that he did not stop to let his horse drink much . . .

(Journal, 14:227-239)

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