the Thoreau Log.
10 May 1862.

The Boston Transcipt and the Salem Observer note Thoreau’s death.

Concord, Mass. The Concord Monitor prints “Thoreau” by Franklin B. Sanborn, which is later printed in a corrected form on 24 May:

Hush the loud chant, ye birds, at eve and morn,
  And something plaintive let the robin sing;
Gone is our Woodman, leaving us forlorn,
  And veiled with tears the merry face of Spring.
Our woods and pastures he for other groves
  Forsakes and wanders now by fairer streams;
Yet not forgetful of his earthly loves,—
  Ah, no! for so affection fondly dreams.
Dear One! ’T were shame to weep above thy grave,
  Or doubtingly thy soul’s far flight pursue;
Peace and Delight must there await the brave,
  And Love attend the loving, wise, and true.
Thy well-kept vows our broken aims shall mend,
  Oft as we think of thee, great-hearted friend!

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