the Thoreau Log.
10 June 1861. Lake Calhoun, Minn.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  A.M. to prairie (Thoreau’s Minnesota Journey, 16).

Horace Mann Jr. writes to his mother Mary:

Dear Mother

  I shall take this letter in to town this morning, nothing has happened that I can tell you of that I think of now but I will write again in a day or two. Goodbye

Your loving son

Horace Mann

It is such hard work to write that you must not expect every little particular, but I will tell you most of the things I do and how things look, and the rest when I get home. I am very well and have been ever since I left home and expect to be till I get back there again, and then I do not intend to be sick. Mr. Thoreau is getting well I think and I think will be entirely well before a great while, so do not fret about him.

  Dont you show this to any body now nor let either of the boys.

  Representation of your loving son shooting a bird with that gun that kicks so.

Horace Mann

(Thoreau’s Minnesota Journey, 52)

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