the Thoreau Log.
1 September 1861. New Bedford, Mass.

Daniel Ricketson writes to Thoreau:

Dear Thoreau,—

  Dr. Denniston, to whom I recommended you to go, has kindly consented on his way from New Bedford to Northhampton, to go to Concord to see you. He has had much experience and success in the treatment of bronchitis, and I hope his visit to you will result in your placing yourself under his care, which I much desire.

  Should the Doctor have the time, and you feel able, please show him a little of the Concord worthies and much oblige,

Yours truly,
D. Ricketson

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 626)
Ricketson also writes in his journal:

  Feeling rather dull and anxious whether or not to go to Concord with Dr. D[enniston] tomorrow (Daniel Ricketson and His Friends, 319).

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