the Thoreau Log.
1 September 1853. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Thursday. P.M.—To Dugan Desert and Ministerial Swamp.

  The character of the past month, as I remember, has been, at first, very thick and sultry, dogdayish, the height of summer, and throughout very rainy, followed by crops of toadstools, and latterly, after the dogdays and most copious of the rains, autumnal, somewhat cooler, with signs of decaying or ripening foliage. The month of green corn and melons and plums and the earliest apples,—and now peaches,—of rank weeds . . .

  There are two kinds of simplicity,—one that is akin to foolishness, the other to wisdom. The philosopher’s style of living is only outwardly simple, but inwardly complex . . .

(Journal, 5:407-412)

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