the Thoreau Log.
1 September 1851. Concord, Mass.

Concord, Mass. Thoreau writes in his journal:

  The fruit of the trilliums is very handsome. I found some a month ago, a singular red, angular-cased pulp, drooping, with the old anthers surrounding it three quarters of an inch in diameter; and now there is another kind, a dense crowded cluster of many ovoid berries turning from green to scarlet or bright brickcolor. Then there is the mottled fruit of the clustered Solomon’s-seal, and also the greenish (with blue meat) fruit of the Convallaria multiflora dangling from the axils of the leaves.
(Journal, 2:440)

Concord, Mass. The town selectmen decide to employ a surveyor to perambulate the Concord borders:

  The Selectmen of Concord at a meeting held for that purpose appointed Aaron A. Kelsey and Henry David Thoreau of said Concord as substitutes for said board in the perambulation of the town lines of said Concord, the acts of whom shall be and stand as the perambulations of said lines as if made by us.

  In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this first day of September in this year eighteen hundred and fifty one. John S. Keyes, [John Shepard Keyes] A. G. Fay, [Addison G. Fay] Selectmen of Concord.

(Concord Town Archives)

See entry 15 September.

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