the Thoreau Log.
1 May 1850. Haverhill, Mass.

Charles Dunbar writes to Thoreau:

Cousin H.—  

  You probably think ere this I have forgotten to answer your letter but it is not so. I have waited until now that I might send some definite word about that Job I spoke of. You will recollect I told you one of the owners lived in Cincinate. He has come on and wishes to have the farm immediately surveyed and laid into house lots. there is some twenty acres of it. So you see it is quite a Job and there will be probably some small jobs. Mr. [Nehemia] Emmerson will wait untill you come which must by as soon as Thursday.  I hope it will be so you can come as I have some Jobs to do on the lots as soon as laid nut & I think we both can make a good living at it. Let me see you if possible if not drop, a fine that we may not be in suspense. All well as usual. Give my best respects to all and say to them we should he happy to see them at Haverhill.


  C H Dunbar

“Charles Dunbar was Thoreau’s cousin in nearby Haverhill.”

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 258-259)

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